Cemetery Survey Tombstone Database


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LocationFirst NameLast NameBirth DateDeath DateMemo
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodStephensWm HarrisonNov 30, 1884Nov 30, 1937<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodPowellWm HSep 2, 1916Nov 22, 1969Ga Sgt US Army WW II
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodStewartWm H<none>Jul 21, 1937Fla Pvt 64 Reg CAO
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodBaabWm HNov 30, 1907Nov 30, 1962<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodLazarusWm HJan 12, 1874May 17, 1948<none>
Chapel-HillMoncersWm HJul 20, 1908May 19, 1983<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodTaltonWm GoodeNov 30, 1876Nov 30, 1958<none>
Chapel-HillCraigWm GilbertNov 30, 1898Nov 30, 1968<none>
Chapel-HillMinterWm GeraldMar 26, 1968Mar 30, 1968<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodZoellerWm FNov 30, 1870Nov 30, 1962<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodCarterWm ENov 30, 1895Nov 30, 1959<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodKnightWm ENov 30, 1868Nov 30, 1957<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodMoyeWm D SrNov 30, 1897Nov 30, 1955<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodMillitzerWm DJan 12, 1918Nov 16, 1973Pfc Army
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodEllisWm Charles<none>Mar 22, 1931Fla Cpl Svc Btry 25 Fla Aty Bn
Lake-HillMitchellWm CarltonDec 21, 1926Feb 8, 1977<none>
Chapel-HillBagleyWm CarlApr 22, 1915Feb 20, 1977<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodKressWm C JrNov 30, 1960Nov 30, 1960<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodCookWm CNov 30, 1883Nov 30, 1958<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodHutchingWm CJul 18, 1920Aug 27, 1968Ga Tec 4 Inf WW II
Chapel-HillLaFoeWM CNov 30, 1908Nov 30, 1981Veteran WW II
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodFudgeWm BraxtonNov 30, 1866Nov 30, 1907<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodHammondWm BraxtonOct 19, 1861Sep 6, 1914<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodJonesWm BFeb 5, 1892May 19, 1952<none>
Lake-HillBeasleyWm A JrApr 8, 1902Apr 17, 1965<none>
Lake-HillBeasleyWm ANov 30, 1873Nov 30, 1955<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodRoeschWm ANov 30, 1902Nov 30, 1962<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodVinsonWm ANov 30, 1920Nov 30, 1967<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodThompsonWm<none>Feb 14, 1924Age 80
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodVoelkelWmNov 30, 1861Nov 30, 1928<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodWallsWmNov 30, 1911Nov 30, 1968<none>
Ohev-ShalomBerkowitzWmNov 30, 1891Nov 30, 1972<none>
Lake-HillRayWmNov 30, 1843Nov 30, 1927<none>
Drawdy-RouseGodwinWm<none>Nov 19, 1929age 85
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodEdwardsWmNov 29, 1869Jul 4, 1934<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodMcCormickWmAug 29, 1849Feb 12, 1926<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodOhseWmMar 21, 1851Feb 7, 1920<none>
Washington-ParkHightowerWmNov 30, 1870Nov 30, 1953<none>
Washington-ParkSeayWllie JNov 30, 1934Nov 30, 1971<none>
EatonvilleMcCaryWlliamNov 30, 1881Nov 30, 1962<none>
Chapel-HillEllisWlater HNov 30, 1907Nov 30, 1979<none>
PalmKolakawskiWladislaw<none><none>Interment September 1956
Beulah BaptistWeatherbyWLNov 30, 1884Nov 30, 1935<none>
Washington-ParkDrumwrightWLNov 30, 1931Nov 30, 1976<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodGranthamWLNov 30, 1867Nov 30, 1938<none>
Apopka-Edgewood-GreenwoodPannellWLNov 30, 1851Nov 30, 1927<none>
Zellwood-Tangerine-EvergreenUptagraftWJNov 24, 1910Aug 26, 1947<none>
Lake-HillSwearingenWJNov 30, 1860Nov 30, 1919<none>
PalmWilsonWinthrop A.Nov 30, 1889<none><none>
Taft ColoredJordanWinter E.<none><none><none>
Page 5 of 403
20106 Tombstones

Contents of this Table

These records were transcribed from a 1983 unpublished manuscript that was created by CFGS volunteers visiting cemeteries and writing down the tombstone inscriptions. The manuscript has recently been retyped into Excel and then uploaded into this database. Where a tombstones had lengthy inscription that exceeded the available column space, it was edited to fit. Where a letter(s) in names could not be read they are shown with a “?” (Question marks) for a single letter or ___ for groups of letters. Where a guess could be made, that was noted in the “Additional” column.

Dates are shown in YYYY-MM-DD format with leading zeroes. Dates or partially missing dates are noted by zeroes (00). If no date was available for either birth or death, it is shown as “0000-00-00” and where only a year was inscribed it is shown as 1925-00-00. A date where a single digit was unreadable is shown as 195?-02-23.

Where material was added that was not contained in the original manuscript that material is enclosed in brackets [  ]. There were also a few cases where additional names were added for older closed cemeteries where it seemed appropriate and that cemetery was no longer available for new burials. In those cases the source of the information was noted.

Although we have tried to implement quality control checks, there may be errors.

Navigating the Tombstone Database

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If you would like to search for a date range use the Date Registered Between boxes. Enter the oldest and newest dates in YYYY-MM-DD format (or use the calendar for the input) and THEN CLICK ON GO.

Advance Search is available if you want to search multiple fields for information. An example would be searching the Cemetery for “Conway” and the Surname for “Jones”.

If you use multiple filters like a date range, a surname, and/or Advance Serach, this will only return records that match both filters.

If you use multiple filters like a date range and a surname, it will only return records that match both filters.

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